Finally blogging this session from last year….I think I am always behind on blogging ha ha.
I first met these two at their engagement session and building a connection with them
and gaining their trust was no problem at all. These two trusted me and showed me their
connection from the beginning. S&G love to workout together to they asked that we incorporate
a few candid fitness inspired photos into their shoot and then after that it was all romance,
funky colored walls and ridiculous glowing light!
I can not wait for their May wedding!
Oh and one more thing….how about these perfect outfits?!?
And for fun here are some words from these two …
What is your guys idea of a perfect day together?
Gabrielle: Literally anything we get a whole day to do together. I even like grocery shopping and cleaning the house with this guy.
Skyy: Boxing!!
What are you most looking forward to about your wedding day?
Gabrielle: Getting the chance to celebrate with our closest friends and family.. and the mansion. That’s pretty cool.
Skyy: Getting to share our happiness with everyone, and being surrounded by people who support us.
What’s one part or decision about wedding planning that Is easier then you thought and one part that Is harder then you thought?
Easier is actually just.. getting married. Melding our lives together forever. There was no second thought and it is such a momentous thing.
Harder is planning thank you cards. Our wedding is tiny and there are still so many!
What’s your favorite beverage or food to bring home and surprise your each other with?
Skyy: She loves shawarma and Aloe water.
Gabrielle: He loves meat, lindt chocolates and mango juice.
They fit perfect together! Love these smiles! Such a modern backdrop with their vintage inspired outfits. Sometimes couples just kinda stand waiting for me, and Im like oh don’t move! And this is one of those times. So cuteAnd about those fitness photos…just doing squats with her on his shoulders ha haI loooooove this wall! It changes color which makes editing the photos very hard but so worth it cause it is beautiful. Golden yummy delicious light! So good. These two…so romantic. I can’t handle it . Actually yes I can ha ha